Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Not Every Dream is Significant

I have had a few dreams that were significant in that they guided me to the religious path that I am now following. I have also dreamed that I was Sailor Moon. Sadly, the later was completely untrue.
If you are like me than you get excited whenever you dream and immediately want it to be something special, something more than what it usually is. Truth be told, most dreams are just dreams and have no special meaning behind them. My last dream involved me dressed in sweet lolita (the Japanese fashion subculture) and doing spy like athletics as I jumped out a window. While that was an awesome dream, it was just a dream.

So, how can one tell if the dream they just had is significant in some way or just a weird dream?
Personally, I feel that the best way to check if your dream is significant is through divination.
Shortly after finding paganism and getting involved with the community, I asked someone for some guidance. They were offering free readings and I wanted to know if my current religious path was the right one. I was skeptical of pretty much everything. Here I was in a community were people were talking about talking to deities and performing magic. That's just not common tea and biscuit gossip.
I was told that yes, Ceres said I am on the right path. The next afternoon I took a nap in the middle of the day (I was almost compelled to take a nap) and dreamed of Ceres. I was in her fields of golden wheat and I knew she was there with me.

Another way to check your dreams, especially if you want to learn to interpret dreams yourself, is to keep a dream journal. Write down every dream you have. It is best to keep this journal right next to your bed so that you can write your dreams down right after you wake up. As you wake up and become more alter, you will remember less and less of your dream. If a deity or higher power is trying to send you a message, you will probably find that message strung through a series of dreams. Look for a patter between each dream. Unfortunately, this does take a long time but it is worth it if you want to learn to recognize and interpret dreams.

Also, if you have a dream then something happens in real life that you realize you were warned about in your dream, then that right there was probably a significant dream. This is why I also recommend that you write down your feelings about each dream as you record what the dream was about. There might be a difference in the feelings you have for significant dreams compared to just regular dreams.
Do not be discouraged if you seem to never have significant dreams. It is probably rarer to dream every night let alone have significant or future telling dreams practically all the time. There are some things you can do to increase your chances of dreaming such as taking a nap in the middle of the day but do not feel like you must have significant dreams. If you are looking to connect with a deity or just get more in tune with the spiritual realm, try another method like meditation along with or aside from dreaming. Dreams are really beyond our control while something like meditation is not.

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